001package org.dllearner.utilities;
004 * Ascii progress meter. On completion this will reset itself,
005 * so it can be reused
006 * <br /><br />
007 * [================>                                 ]   33%
008 *
009 * From: http://www.avanderw.co.za/command-line-progress-bar/
010 */
011public class ProgressBar {
012    int lastPercent;
014    /**
015     * called whenever the progress bar needs to be updated.
016     * that is whenever progress was made.
017     *
018     * @param done an int representing the work done so far
019     * @param total an int representing the total work
020     */
021    public void update(int done, int total) {
022        int percent = (int) Math.round(done/(double)total * 100);
023        if (Math.abs(percent - lastPercent) >= 1) {
024            StringBuilder template = new StringBuilder("\r[");
025            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
026                if (i < percent * .5) {
027                    template.append("=");
028                } else if (i == percent * .5) {
029                    template.append(">");
030                } else {
031                    template.append(" ");
032                }
033            }
034            template.append("] %s   ");
035            if (percent >= 100) {
036                template.append("%n");
037            }
038            System.out.printf(template.toString(), percent + "%");
039            lastPercent = percent;
040        }
041        if (done == total) {
042            lastPercent = 0;
043            System.out.flush();
044            System.out.println();
045        }
046    }