002 * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
003 * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
004 * and open the template in the editor.
005 */
006package org.dllearner.algorithms.probabilistic.structure.distributed.unife.leap;
008import com.clarkparsia.pellet.owlapiv3.PelletReasoner;
009import com.clarkparsia.pellet.owlapiv3.PelletReasonerFactory;
010import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
011import java.io.File;
012import java.math.BigDecimal;
013import java.util.ArrayList;
014import java.util.Collections;
015import java.util.HashSet;
016import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
017import java.util.List;
018import java.util.Map;
019import java.util.NavigableSet;
020import java.util.Set;
021import java.util.TreeSet;
022import mpi.Intracomm;
023import mpi.MPI;
024import mpi.MPIException;
025import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
026import org.dllearner.core.AbstractClassExpressionLearningProblem;
027import org.dllearner.core.ComponentAnn;
028import org.dllearner.core.ComponentInitException;
029import org.dllearner.core.EvaluatedDescription;
030import org.dllearner.core.LearningProblemUnsupportedException;
031import org.dllearner.core.config.ConfigOption;
032import org.dllearner.learningproblems.ClassLearningProblem;
033import org.dllearner.learningproblems.PosNegLP;
034import org.dllearner.learningproblems.PosOnlyLP;
035import org.dllearner.core.probabilistic.unife.AbstractPSLA;
036import org.dllearner.core.probabilistic.unife.ParameterLearningException;
037import org.dllearner.core.probabilistic.unife.StructureLearningException;
038import org.dllearner.core.probabilistic.distributed.unife.AbstractEDGEDistributed;
039import org.dllearner.core.probabilistic.distributed.unife.CommunicatorGroupNotAssignedException;
040import org.dllearner.core.probabilistic.distributed.unife.DistributedComponent;
041import org.dllearner.utils.unife.OWLUtils;
042import org.dllearner.utils.unife.ReflectionHelper;
043import org.semanticweb.owlapi.apibinding.OWLManager;
044import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.AxiomType;
045import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.IRI;
046import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAnnotation;
047import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAxiom;
048import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass;
049import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClassExpression;
050import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLDataFactory;
051import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLIndividual;
052import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntology;
053import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyCreationException;
054import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyManager;
055import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyStorageException;
056import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLSubClassOfAxiom;
057import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
058import unife.bundle.exception.InconsistencyException;
059import unife.bundle.utilities.BundleUtilities;
060import static unife.edge.mpi.EDGEMPIConstants.*;
061import unife.edge.mpi.MPIUtilities;
062import unife.edge.utilities.EDGEUtilities;
063import unife.math.utilities.MathUtilities;
066 *
067 * @author Giuseppe Cota <giuseppe.cota@unife.it>, Riccardo Zese
068 * <riccardo.zese@unife.it>
069 */
070@ComponentAnn(name = "LEAPDistributed", shortName = "leapdistr", version = 1.0)
071public class LEAPDistributed extends AbstractPSLA implements DistributedComponent {
073    @ConfigOption(description = "stop difference between log-likelihood of two consecutive iterations", defaultValue = "0.00001")
074    private BigDecimal differenceLL = MathUtilities.getBigDecimal(0.00001, 5);
076    private BigDecimal currentDifferenceLL;
078    @ConfigOption(description = "stop ratio between log-likelihood of two consecutive iterations", defaultValue = "0.00001")
079    private BigDecimal ratioLL = MathUtilities.getBigDecimal(0.00001, 5);
081    private BigDecimal currentRatioLL;
083    @ConfigOption(description = "maximum number of iterations", defaultValue = "2147000000")
084    private long maxIterations = 2147000000L;
086    private long currentIteration = 0;
088    @ConfigOption(description = "accuracy used during the computation of the probabilistic values (number of digital places)", defaultValue = "5")
089    private int accuracy = 5;
091    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LEAPDistributed.class.getName());
093    @ConfigOption(description = "probabilistic target axioms which can be deleted from the ontology")
094    private String targetAxiomsFilename;
096    @ConfigOption(defaultValue = "owl:learnedClass", description = "You can specify a start class for the algorithm. To do this, you have to use Manchester OWL syntax without using prefixes.")
097    private OWLClass dummyClass;
099    @ConfigOption(description = "number of mpi processes of probabilistic structure learning algorithm", defaultValue = "1")
100    private int procPSLA = 1;
102    @ConfigOption(description = "number of mpi processes of parameter learning algorithm for each probabilistic structure learner process", defaultValue = "1")
103    private int procPLA = 1;
105    private int revisionBeamDim = 10;
107    private AbstractEDGEDistributed edge;
109    private TreeSet<Revision> beamRevisions = new TreeSet<>();
111    private Revision bestRevision;
112    private Revision previousBestRevision = new Revision();
113    private List<Revision> revisions;
114    private List<Set<Revision>> revisionsDistribution;
116    private final Object countRevisionsLock = new Object();
117    private int countRevisions = 0;
119    private LinkedHashSet<OWLAxiom> targetAxioms = new LinkedHashSet<>();
121    private int myRank;
122    private int structureLearnerRank;
123    private int parameterLearnerRank;
124    private Intracomm structureLearnerComm;
125    private Intracomm parameterLearnerComm;
126    private OWLOntology originalOntology;
127    private final int UPDATE = 10;
128    private final int REMOVE = 11;
130    @Override
131    public void init() throws ComponentInitException {
132        logger.debug("Start init() LEAPDistributed");
133        currentIteration = 0;
134        OWLOntologyManager manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager();
135        // create dummy class
136        if (dummyClass == null) {
137            dummyClass = manager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLClass(IRI.create("owl:learnedClass"));
138        }
140        // read the ontology conatining the target axioms
141        logger.debug("read the ontology containing the target axioms");
142        if (targetAxiomsFilename != null) {
143            try {
144                OWLOntology targetAxiomsOntology = manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(new File(targetAxiomsFilename));
145                for (OWLAxiom targetAxiom : EDGEUtilities.get_ax_filtered(targetAxiomsOntology)) {
146                    targetAxioms.add(targetAxiom);
147                }
148            } catch (OWLOntologyCreationException ex) {
149                logger.error("Cannot get the target probabilistic axioms.");
150                throw new ComponentInitException(ex);
151            }
152        }
153        // get rank 
154        try {
155            myRank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.getRank();
156        } catch (MPIException mpiEX) {
157            logger.error("Cannot get the rank of the process");
158            throw new ComponentInitException(mpiEX);
159        }
160        // create groups and communicators
161        int mpiProcesses;
162        logger.debug(myRank + " - create groups and communicators");
163        try {
164            mpiProcesses = MPI.COMM_WORLD.getSize();
165            if (mpiProcesses != procPSLA * procPLA) {
166                String msg = myRank + " - The number of process must be (procPSLA * procPLA): "
167                        + (procPSLA * procPLA) + " instead there are "
168                        + mpiProcesses + " processes.";
169                logger.error(msg);
170                throw new ComponentInitException(msg);
171            }
172        } catch (MPIException mpiEx) {
173            logger.error(myRank + " - Cannot get the number of processes");
174            throw new ComponentInitException(mpiEx);
175        }
176        /* Determine row and column position */
177        int row = myRank / procPLA;
178        int col = myRank % procPLA;
179        logger.debug(myRank + " - Parameter Learner Group "
180                + " Group id: " + row
181                + " Process Rank: " + col);
182        try {
183            // The processes in the same row belong to the same parameter learner
184            // group communicator
185            //Intracomm comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD.dup();
186            parameterLearnerComm = MPI.COMM_WORLD.split(row, col);
187//            parameterLearnerComm = MPI.COMM_WORLD.split(row, col);
188            parameterLearnerRank = parameterLearnerComm.getRank();
189            logger.debug(myRank + " - Parameter Learner Group created."
190                    + " Group id: " + row
191                    + " Process Rank: " + parameterLearnerRank);
192            // The processes in the first column belong to the structure learner
193            // group communicator  (There can only be one structure learner 
194            // group communicator )
195            logger.debug("test a");
196            structureLearnerComm = MPI.COMM_WORLD.split(col, row);
197            logger.debug("test b");
198            structureLearnerRank = structureLearnerComm.getRank();
199            logger.debug("test c");
200            if (col != 0) {
201                structureLearnerComm = null;
202            } else {
203                logger.debug(myRank + " - Structure Learner Group"
204                        + " Group id: " + col
205                        + " Process Rank: " + row);
206                logger.debug(myRank + " - Structure Learner Group created. Rank: "
207                        + " Group id: " + col
208                        + " Process Rank: " + structureLearnerRank);
209            }
211        } catch (MPIException mpiEx) {
212            logger.error(myRank + " - Cannot create the group communicators");
213            throw new ComponentInitException(mpiEx);
214        }
216        // these  few lines are used to force the use of SHOIN DL,
217        // i.e. without qualified cardinality restriction
218//        if (cela instanceof CELOE) {
219//            CELOE celoe = (CELOE) cela;
220//            LengthLimitedRefinementOperator operator = celoe.getOperator();
221//            if (operator instanceof RhoDRDown) {
222//                LengthLimitedRefinementOperator newOperator = new RhoDRDown((RhoDRDown) operator);
223//                // force no qualified cardinality restriction, we use SHOIN
224//                ((RhoDRDown) newOperator).setUseCardinalityRestrictions(false);
226//                newOperator.init();
227//                celoe.setOperator(newOperator);
228//            }
229//        }
230        logger.debug(myRank + " - getting the individuals");
231        Set<OWLIndividual> positiveIndividuals;
232        Set<OWLIndividual> negativeIndividuals;
233        AbstractClassExpressionLearningProblem lp = cela.getLearningProblem();
234        if (lp instanceof PosNegLP) {
235            positiveIndividuals = ((PosNegLP) lp).getPositiveExamples();
236            negativeIndividuals = ((PosNegLP) lp).getNegativeExamples();
237        } else if (lp instanceof PosOnlyLP) {
238            positiveIndividuals = ((PosOnlyLP) lp).getPositiveExamples();
239            // use pseudo-negative individuals
240            negativeIndividuals = Sets.difference(lp.getReasoner().getIndividuals(), positiveIndividuals);
241        } else if (lp instanceof ClassLearningProblem) {
242            // Java Reflection has been used to get values from private fields. 
243            //It's neither a conventional way nor the universally suggested idea,
244            // but in this case is the only way to extract positive and negative individuals
245            // without modifing the DLLearner code (the creation of a plugin is the objective)
246            try {
247                List<OWLIndividual> positiveIndividualsList = ReflectionHelper.getPrivateField(lp, "classInstances");
248                positiveIndividuals = new TreeSet<>(positiveIndividualsList);
249                negativeIndividuals = new TreeSet<>((List<OWLIndividual>) ReflectionHelper.getPrivateField(lp, "superClassInstances"));
250            } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) {
251                String msg = myRank + " - Cannot extract the individuals from"
252                        + " learning problem: " + e.getMessage();
253                logger.error(msg);
254                throw new ComponentInitException(msg);
255            }
257        } else {
258            try {
259                throw new LearningProblemUnsupportedException(lp.getClass(), this.getClass());
260            } catch (LearningProblemUnsupportedException e) {
261                throw new ComponentInitException(e.getMessage());
262            }
263        }
264        // convert the individuals into assertional axioms
265        logger.debug(myRank + " - convert the individuals into assertional axioms");
266        OWLDataFactory owlFactory = manager.getOWLDataFactory();
267        Set<OWLAxiom> positiveExamples = new HashSet<>();
268        for (OWLIndividual ind : positiveIndividuals) {
269            OWLAxiom axiom = owlFactory.getOWLClassAssertionAxiom(dummyClass, ind);
270            positiveExamples.add(axiom);
271        }
273        Set<OWLAxiom> negativeExamples = new HashSet<>();
274        for (OWLIndividual ind : negativeIndividuals) {
275            OWLAxiom axiom = owlFactory.getOWLClassAssertionAxiom(dummyClass, ind);
276            negativeExamples.add(axiom);
277        }
279        //AbstractEDGEDistributed edge = (AbstractEDGEDistributed) pla;
280        edge.setPositiveExampleAxioms(positiveExamples);
281        edge.setNegativeExampleAxioms(negativeExamples);
283    }
285    @Override
286    public void start() {
287        stop = false;
288        isRunning = true;
289        currentIteration = 0;
290        long totalTimeMills = System.currentTimeMillis();
291        long celaTimeMills = 0;
292        try {
293            originalOntology = BundleUtilities.copyOntology(edge.getSourcesOntology());
294        } catch (OWLOntologyCreationException e) {
295            logger.error(myRank + "Error: " + e.getMessage());
296            throw new StructureLearningException(e);
297        }
298        //AbstractEDGEDistributed edge = (AbstractEDGEDistributed) pla;
299        // First step: run Distributed EDGE
300//        try {
301//            edge.changeSourcesOntology(BundleUtilities.copyOntology(originalOntology));
302//        } catch (OWLOntologyCreationException e) {
303//            logger.error("morte", e);
304//            System.exit(-1);
305//        }
306        edge.start();
308        logger.debug(myRank + " - First EDGE cycle terminated.");
309        logger.debug(myRank + " - Initial Log-likelihood: " + edge.getLL());
310        //OWLOntology originalOntology = edge.getLearnedOntology();
312        if (structureLearnerComm != null) {
313            logger.debug(myRank + " - Structure Learner");
314            if (MPIUtilities.isMaster(structureLearnerComm)) {
315                logger.debug(myRank + " - Structure Learner Master");
316                List<Boolean> boolVars = new ArrayList<>();
317                for (int i = 0; i < targetAxioms.size(); i++) {
318                    boolVars.add(true);
319                }
320                Revision startRevision = new Revision(targetAxioms, boolVars, new LinkedHashSet<OWLSubClassOfAxiom>(), edge.getLL());
321                beamRevisions.add(startRevision);
322                bestRevision = startRevision;
323                currentDifferenceLL = bestRevision.getLL().subtract(previousBestRevision.getLL());
324                currentRatioLL = currentDifferenceLL.divide(previousBestRevision.getLL(), accuracy, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
325                do {
326                    //BigDecimal CLL0 = MathUtilities.getBigDecimal(-2.2 * Math.pow(10, 10), edge.getAccuracy());
327                    //BigDecimal CLL1 = edge.getLL();
329                    // generate all the refinements
330                    //refinements = generateRefinements();
331                    // divido i raffinamenti tra i vari slaves
332                    // TO DO
333                    // receive refinement
334                    // TO DO
335                    // ***start temporary code lines***
336                    Revision revision = startRevision;
337                    // *** end ***
339                    OWLOntology ontology = generateOntologyFromRevision(originalOntology, revision);
340                    // send the refinement to the EDGE slaves
341                    try {
342                        MPIUtilities.sendBCastSignal(START, parameterLearnerComm);
343                        logger.debug(myRank + " - Sent START signal to EDGE slaves");
344                        int sentBytes = MPIUtilities.sendBCastObject(revision, parameterLearnerComm);
345                        logger.debug(myRank + " - Sent revision to "
346                                + MPIUtilities.getSlaves(parameterLearnerComm) + " slaves "
347                                + "(" + sentBytes + " bytes)");
348                    } catch (MPIException mpiEx) {
349                        logger.error(myRank + " - Cannot send to EDGE slaves the refinement: " + mpiEx.getMessage());
350                        throw new StructureLearningException(mpiEx);
351                    }
353//                    Set<KnowledgeSource> newSources = Collections.singleton((KnowledgeSource) new OWLAPIOntology(ontology));
354//                    AbstractReasonerComponent reasoner = cela.getReasoner();
355//                    reasoner.changeSources(newSources);
356//                    try {
357//                        reasoner.init();
358//                        cela.init();
359//                    } catch (ComponentInitException cie) {
360//                        logger.error(myRank + " - Error: " + cie.getMessage());
361//                        throw new StructureLearningException(cie);
362//                    }
363                    // start class expression learning algorithm
364                    celaTimeMills = System.currentTimeMillis();
365                    cela.start();
366                    celaTimeMills = System.currentTimeMillis() - celaTimeMills;
367                    // get the best class expressions
368                    NavigableSet<? extends EvaluatedDescription> evaluatedDescriptions = cela.getCurrentlyBestEvaluatedDescriptions();
369                    // convert the class expressions into axioms
370                    OWLOntologyManager manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager();
371                    LinkedHashSet<OWLSubClassOfAxiom> candidateAxioms = convertIntoAxioms(manager, evaluatedDescriptions);
373                    logger.debug(myRank + " - current best revision LL: " + bestRevision.getLL());
374                    // perform a greedy search 
375                    logger.debug(myRank + " - Start greedy search");
376                    // temporaneo i raffinamenti dopo dovranno essere assegnati ad ogni processo
377                    Revision revisionResult = greedySearch(ontology, startRevision, candidateAxioms);
378                    logger.debug(myRank + " - Greedy search finished");
379                    // aggiungerlo eventualmente alla lista beam
380                    // TO DO
381                    // aggiornare il best
382                    // TO DO
383                    // ***righe temporanee***
384                    logger.debug(myRank + " - current LL: " + revisionResult.getLL());
385                    logger.debug(myRank + " - current best revision LL: " + bestRevision.getLL());
386                    if (revisionResult.getLL().compareTo(bestRevision.getLL()) > 0) {
387                        logger.info(myRank + " - Found a better revision with LL: " + revisionResult.getLL());
388                        previousBestRevision = bestRevision;
389                        bestRevision = revisionResult;
390                    }
391                    // ***fine righe temporanee***
392                    // update criteria
393                    updateTerminationCriteria();
394                } while (!terminationCriteriaSatisfied());
395                try {
396                    MPIUtilities.sendBCastSignal(TERMINATE, parameterLearnerComm);
397                } catch (MPIException e) {
398                    logger.error("Cannot send TERMINATE signal to EDGE slaves");
399                    throw new StructureLearningException(e);
400                }
401                OWLOntology finalOntology = edge.getSourcesOntology();
402                // In case replace super class
403                if (cela.getLearningProblem() instanceof ClassLearningProblem) {
404                    finalOntology = replaceSuperClass(finalOntology, bestRevision.getLearnedAxioms());
405                } else {
406                    for (OWLAxiom axiom : bestRevision.getLearnedAxioms()) {
407                        logger.info(myRank + " - Learned Axiom: " + axiom);
408                    }
409                }
410                // final step save the ontology
411                try {
412                    OWLUtils.saveOntology(finalOntology, outputFile, outFormat);
413                } catch (OWLOntologyStorageException e) {
414                    String msg = myRank + " - Cannot save the learned ontology: " + e.getMessage();
415                    throw new StructureLearningException(msg);
416                }
417                totalTimeMills = System.currentTimeMillis() - totalTimeMills;
418                printTimings(totalTimeMills, celaTimeMills, edge.getTimeMap());
420            } else { // structure learner slaves
421                // Leggo i raffinamenti
422                // TO DO 
423                // trovo le class expression
424                // invio in broadcast al parameter learner communicator group
425                // apprendo i parametri
426                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet!");
427            }
428        } else if (parameterLearnerComm != null) { // EDGE slaves 
429            // devo solo eseguire degli EDGE distribuiti
430            // prendo la lista di boolean e costruisco una nuova ontologia
431            logger.debug(myRank + " - Parameter Learner Slave");
432            boolean terminate = false;
433            while (!terminate) {
434                int signal;
435                try {
436                    signal = MPIUtilities.recvBCastSignal(MASTER, parameterLearnerComm);
437                } catch (MPIException mpiEx) {
438                    String msg = myRank + " - Cannot receive synchronization signal " + mpiEx.getMessage();
439                    logger.error(msg);
440                    throw new StructureLearningException(mpiEx);
441                }
442                if (signal == START) {
443                    // read the refinement and modify the ontology
444                    logger.debug(myRank + " - Received START signal.");
445                    logger.debug(myRank + " - Waiting to receive ontology revision.");
446                    OWLOntology ontology;
447                    try {
448                        Revision revision = (Revision) MPIUtilities.recvBCastObject(MASTER, parameterLearnerComm);
449                        ontology = generateOntologyFromRevision(originalOntology, revision);
450                    } catch (MPIException mpiEx) {
451                        String msg = myRank + " - Cannot receive Refinement from EDGE Master: " + mpiEx.getMessage();
452                        logger.error(msg);
453                        throw new StructureLearningException(mpiEx);
454                    }
455                    boolean stopEDGE = false;
456                    // receive signal
457                    try {
458                        signal = MPIUtilities.recvBCastSignal(MASTER, parameterLearnerComm);
459                    } catch (MPIException e) {
460                        String msg = myRank + " - Cannot receive signal: " + e.getMessage();
461                        logger.error(msg);
462                        throw new StructureLearningException(msg);
463                    }
464                    while (signal == START) {
465                        edge.reset();
466                        // add axiom
467                        logger.debug(myRank + " - Waiting for axiom to add");
468                        OWLAxiom addedAxiom = recvAddAxiom(ontology);
469                        edge.changeSourcesOntology(ontology);
470                        if (edge.getSourcesOntology().containsAxiom(addedAxiom)) {
471                            logger.debug(myRank + " - Axiom added into the ontology");
472                        } else {
473                            String msg = myRank + " - Impossible to add the received axiom";
474                            logger.debug(msg);
475                            throw new StructureLearningException(msg);
476                        }
477                        // compute edge
478                        edge.start();
479                        // waiting for decision: keep the axiom or remove it?
481                        try {
482                            signal = MPIUtilities.recvBCastSignal(MASTER, parameterLearnerComm);
483                        } catch (MPIException e) {
484                            String msg = myRank + " - Cannot receive signal: " + e.getMessage();
485                            logger.error(msg);
486                            throw new StructureLearningException(msg);
487                        }
488                        if (signal == UPDATE) { // keep the added axiom
489                            logger.debug(myRank + " - Received UPDATE ontology signal");
490                            updateOntology();
491                        } else if (signal == REMOVE) { // remove the added axiom
492                            logger.debug(myRank + " - Received REMOVE axiom from ontology signal");
493                            removeAxiom(ontology, addedAxiom);
494                        } else { // wrong signal
495                            String msg = myRank + " - Wrong signal received: " + signal;
496                            logger.error(msg);
497                            throw new StructureLearningException(msg);
498                        }
499                        // receive signal
500                        try {
501                            signal = MPIUtilities.recvBCastSignal(MASTER, parameterLearnerComm);
502                            logger.debug(myRank + " - Received " + signal + " from MASTER");
503                        } catch (MPIException e) {
504                            String msg = myRank + " - Cannot receive signal: " + e.getMessage();
505                            logger.error(msg);
506                            throw new StructureLearningException(msg);
507                        }
509                    }
510                    logger.debug(myRank + " - Received STOP signal.");
511                } else if (signal == TERMINATE) {
512                    logger.debug(myRank + " - Received TERMINATE signal.");
513                    terminate = true;
514                }
515            }
517        } else {
518            // ERROR
519            String msg = myRank + " - MPI process not assigned to any communicator group";
520            logger.error(msg);
521            throw new CommunicatorGroupNotAssignedException(msg);
522        }
523        isRunning = false;
524    }
526    /**
527     * @return the targetAxiomsFilename
528     */
529    public String getTargetAxiomsFilename() {
530        return targetAxiomsFilename;
531    }
533    /**
534     * @param targetAxiomsFilename the targetAxiomsFilename to set
535     */
536    public void setTargetAxiomsFilename(String targetAxiomsFilename) {
537        this.targetAxiomsFilename = targetAxiomsFilename;
538    }
540    /**
541     * @return the PSLAproc
542     */
543    public int getProcPSLA() {
544        return procPSLA;
545    }
547    /**
548     * @param procPSLA the PSLAproc to set
549     */
550    public void setProcPSLA(int procPSLA) {
551        this.procPSLA = procPSLA;
552    }
554    /**
555     * @return the PLAproc
556     */
557    public int getProcPLA() {
558        return procPLA;
559    }
561    /**
562     * @param procPLA the procPLA to set
563     */
564    public void setProcPLA(int procPLA) {
565        this.procPLA = procPLA;
566    }
568    /**
569     * @return the differenceLL
570     */
571    public BigDecimal getDifferenceLL() {
572        return differenceLL;
573    }
575    public void setDifferenceLL(double differenceLL) {
576        this.differenceLL = MathUtilities.getBigDecimal(differenceLL, accuracy);
577    }
579    /**
580     * @return the ratioLL
581     */
582    public BigDecimal getRatioLL() {
583        return ratioLL;
584    }
586    public void setRatioLL(double ratioLL) {
587        this.ratioLL = MathUtilities.getBigDecimal(ratioLL, accuracy);
588    }
590    /**
591     * @return the maxIterations
592     */
593    public long getMaxIterations() {
594        return maxIterations;
595    }
597    /**
598     * @param maxIterations the maxIterations to set
599     */
600    public void setMaxIterations(long maxIterations) {
601        this.maxIterations = maxIterations;
602    }
604    /**
605     * @return the accuracy
606     */
607    public int getAccuracy() {
608        return accuracy;
609    }
611    /**
612     * @param accuracy the accuracy to set
613     */
614    public void setAccuracy(int accuracy) {
615        this.accuracy = accuracy;
616    }
618    private List<Revision> generateRevisions() {
619        // see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10923601/java-generator-of-trues-falses-combinations-by-giving-the-number-n
620        // for generating refinements
621        // takes all the target axioms and the best refinement from the beam
622        // and generate all the refinements
623        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
624    }
626    /**
627     * @return the dummyClass
628     */
629    public OWLClass getDummyClass() {
630        return dummyClass;
631    }
633    /**
634     * @param dummyClass the dummyClass to set
635     */
636    public void setDummyClass(OWLClass dummyClass) {
637        this.dummyClass = dummyClass;
638    }
640    private LinkedHashSet<OWLSubClassOfAxiom> convertIntoAxioms(OWLOntologyManager manager, NavigableSet<? extends EvaluatedDescription> evaluatedDescriptions) {
641        LinkedHashSet<OWLSubClassOfAxiom> axioms = new LinkedHashSet<>(evaluatedDescriptions.size());
642        OWLDataFactory factory = manager.getOWLDataFactory();
643        for (EvaluatedDescription description : evaluatedDescriptions.descendingSet()) {
644            OWLAnnotation annotation = factory.
645                    getOWLAnnotation(BundleUtilities.PROBABILISTIC_ANNOTATION_PROPERTY, factory.getOWLLiteral(description.getAccuracy()));
646            OWLSubClassOfAxiom axiom = factory.
647                    getOWLSubClassOfAxiom((OWLClassExpression) description.getDescription(), dummyClass, Collections.singleton(annotation));
648            axioms.add(axiom);
649        }
650        return axioms;
651    }
653    /**
654     * This class implements a thread that will be in listening and when a slave
655     * is ready will send it a refinement.
656     */
657//    class RefinementsListener implements Runnable {
659//        private BigDecimal[] probs;
660//        private int sentRefinements;
661//        int recvRefinementsEval = 0;
663//        public RefinementsListener(int sentRefinements) {
664//            super();
665//            this.sentRefinements = sentRefinements;
666//        }
668//        @Override
669//        public void run() {
670//            try {
671//                boolean stopRequest = false;
672//                Refinement refinement = null;
673//                int slaveId = 0;
674//                while (sentRefinements != recvRefinementsEval) {
676//                    synchronized (countRefinementsLock) {
677//                        logger.debug(myRank + " - T_2");
678//                        if (refinement != null) {
679//                            refinementsDistribution.get(slaveId).add(refinement);
680//                        }
681//                        refinement = nextRefinement();
682//                    }
683//                    Status recvStat = structureLearnerComm.probe(MPI.ANY_SOURCE, MPI.ANY_TAG);
684//                    byte[] buffer = new byte[recvStat.getCount(MPI.BYTE)];
685//                    logger.debug(myRank + " - Waiting for a refinement result...");
686//                    // receive
687//                    structureLearnerComm.recv(buffer, buffer.length, MPI.BYTE, MPI.ANY_SOURCE, MPI.ANY_TAG);
688//                    recvRefinementsEval++;
689//                    // get example probability
690//                    byte[] exProbBuff = new byte[buffer.length - (Integer.SIZE / 8)];
691//                    int pos = MPI.COMM_WORLD.unpack(buffer, 0, exProbBuff, exProbBuff.length, MPI.BYTE);
692//                    int indexEx = recvStat.getTag() - 1;
693//                    slaveId = recvStat.getSource();
694//                    probs[indexEx] = (BigDecimal) MPIUtilities.byteArrayToObject(exProbBuff);
695//                    String msg = myRank + " - RECV from " + recvStat.getSource()
696//                            + " - " + BundleUtilities.getManchesterSyntaxString(initialExamples.get(indexEx).getKey())
697//                            + " - prob: " + probs[indexEx]
698//                            + " - tag: " + recvStat.getTag();
699//                    if (!test) {
700//                        int[] numBoolVars = new int[1];
701//                        MPI.COMM_WORLD.unpack(buffer, pos, numBoolVars, 1, MPI.INT);
702//                        msg += " - #vars: " + numBoolVars[0];
703//                        // indices of the axioms used in the BDD
704//                        int[] axiomsIdxs = new int[numBoolVars[0]];
705//                        if (numBoolVars[0] > 0) {
706//                            // receive the buffer containing the indices of the used axioms
707//                            MPI.COMM_WORLD.recv(axiomsIdxs, axiomsIdxs.length, MPI.INT, slaveId, recvStat.getTag());
708//                        }
710//                        for (int j = 0; j < numBoolVars[0]; j++) {
711//                            usedAxioms[axiomsIdxs[j]] = true;
712//                        }
713//                    }
714//                    logger.debug(msg);
715//                    // I've received the query/example results, 
716//                    // now it's time to send another example
717//                    if (example == null) {
718//                        if (!stopRequest) {
719//                            // Send stop request to all the slaves
720//                            new Thread() {
721//                                @Override
722//                                public void run() {
723//                                    synchronized (countActuallySentExamplesLock) {
724//                                        while (sentRefinements != countActuallySentExamples) {
725//                                            try {
726//                                                countActuallySentExamplesLock.wait();
727//                                            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
728//                                                logger.fatal(myRank + " - Error: " + ex.getMessage());
729//                                                throw new RuntimeException(ex);
730//                                            }
731//                                        }
732//                                    }
733//                                    logger.debug(myRank + " - Sending stop signal to all slaves");
734//                                    try {
735//                                        MPIUtilities.sendSignal(ALL, STOP, MPI.COMM_WORLD);
736//                                    } catch (MPIException mpiEx) {
737//                                        logger.error(myRank + " - Error: " + mpiEx.getMessage());
738//                                        throw new RuntimeException(mpiEx);
739//                                    }
740//                                }
741//                            }.start();
742//                            stopRequest = true;
743//                        }
744//                    } else {
745//                        // send Example to the slave
746//                        if (slaveId == 0) {
747//                            throw new RuntimeException("Inconsistent slave receiver!");
748//                        }
749//                        sentRefinements++;
750//                        (new Thread(new EDGEMPIDynamic.ExampleSender(slaveId, example, sentRefinements))).start();
752//                    }
753//                }
754//                if (!stopRequest) {
755//                    logger.debug(myRank + " - Sending stop signal to all slaves");
756//                    MPIUtilities.sendSignal(ALL, STOP, MPI.COMM_WORLD);
757//                    stopRequest = true; // unused
758//                }
759//            } catch (MPIException mpiEx) {
760//                logger.error(myRank + " - Error: " + mpiEx.getMessage());
761//                throw new RuntimeException(mpiEx);
762//            } catch (Exception ex) {
763//                logger.error(myRank + " - Error: " + ex.getMessage());
764//                throw new RuntimeException(ex);
765//            }
766//        }
768//        /**
769//         * @param sentRefinements the sentExamples to set
770//         */
771//        public void setSentRefinements(int sentRefinements) {
772//            this.sentRefinements = sentRefinements;
773//        }
775//    }
776    private Revision nextRefinement() {
777        if (countRevisions < revisions.size()) {
778            countRevisions++;
779            return revisions.get(countRevisions - 1);
780        } else {
781            return null;
782        }
783    }
785    private Revision greedySearch(OWLOntology ontology, Revision revision, LinkedHashSet<OWLSubClassOfAxiom> candidateAxioms) {
786        BigDecimal LL0 = edge.getLL(); // da rivedere
787        logger.debug(myRank + " - Resetting EDGE");
788        edge.reset();
789        edge.changeSourcesOntology(ontology);
790        LinkedHashSet<OWLSubClassOfAxiom> learnedAxioms = new LinkedHashSet<>();
791        OWLDataFactory df = OWLManager.getOWLDataFactory();
792        for (OWLSubClassOfAxiom axiom : candidateAxioms) {
793            try {
794//                logger.debug(myRank + " - Sending START signal to parameter learner slaves");
795//                logger.debug(myRank + " - Signal sent to the slaves");
796                logger.debug(myRank + " - Adding Axiom: " + axiom);
797                addAxiom(ontology, axiom);
798                logger.info("Axiom added.");
799                logger.info("Running parameter Learner");
800                edge.start();
801                BigDecimal LL1 = edge.getLL();
802                logger.info("Current Log-Likelihood: " + LL1);
803                if (LL1.compareTo(LL0) > 0) {
804                    logger.info("Log-Likelihood enhanced. Updating ontologies...");
805                    OWLAnnotation annotation = df.
806                    getOWLAnnotation(BundleUtilities.PROBABILISTIC_ANNOTATION_PROPERTY, 
807                            df.getOWLLiteral(edge.getParameter(axiom).doubleValue()));
808                    OWLSubClassOfAxiom updatedAxiom = df.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom(axiom.getSubClass(), 
809                            axiom.getSuperClass(), Collections.singleton(annotation));
810                    learnedAxioms.add(updatedAxiom);
811                    updateOntology();
812                    LL0 = LL1;
813                    try {
814                        MPIUtilities.sendBCastSignal(UPDATE, parameterLearnerComm);
815                        logger.debug(myRank + " - Sent UPDATE signal to the slaves");
816                    } catch (MPIException e) {
817                        String msg = myRank + " - Cannot send UPDATE signal to slaves: " + e.getMessage();
818                        logger.error(msg);
819                        throw new StructureLearningException(msg);
820                    }
821                } else {
822                    logger.info("Log-Likelihood worsened. Removing Last Axiom...");
823                    removeAxiom(ontology, axiom);
824                    try {
825                        MPIUtilities.sendBCastSignal(REMOVE, parameterLearnerComm);
826                        logger.debug(myRank + " - Sent REMOVE signal to the slaves");
827                    } catch (MPIException e) {
828                        String msg = myRank + " - Cannot send REMOVE signal to slaves: " + e.getMessage();
829                        logger.error(msg);
830                        throw new StructureLearningException(msg);
831                    }
832                }
834            } catch (MPIException mpiEx) {
835                logger.error(myRank + " - Cannot perform greedy search: " + mpiEx.getMessage());
836                throw new ParameterLearningException(mpiEx);
837            } catch (InconsistencyException iex) {
838                logger.info(iex.getMessage());
839                logger.info("Trying with the next class expression");
840                continue;
841            }
842        }
843        try {
844            MPIUtilities.sendBCastSignal(STOP, parameterLearnerComm);
845            logger.debug(myRank + " - Sent STOP signal to the slaves");
846        } catch (MPIException mpiEx) {
847            logger.error(myRank + " - Cannot send stop signal: " + mpiEx.getMessage());
848            throw new ParameterLearningException(mpiEx);
849        }
850        return new Revision(targetAxioms, revision.getBoolVars(), learnedAxioms, LL0);
851    }
853    private boolean terminationCriteriaSatisfied() {
854        boolean condition = stop
855                || currentIteration > maxIterations
856                || beamRevisions.isEmpty()
857                || currentDifferenceLL.compareTo(differenceLL) <= 0
858                || currentRatioLL.compareTo(ratioLL) <= 0;
860        if (stop) {
861            logger.info("Termination due to: STOP");
862        } else if (currentIteration > maxIterations) {
863            logger.info("Termination due to: max iterations reached");
864        } else if (beamRevisions.isEmpty()) {
865            logger.info("Termination due to: beam of revisions is empty");
866        } else if (currentDifferenceLL.compareTo(differenceLL) <= 0) {
867            logger.info("Termination due to: minimum diffLL threshold reached");
868        } else if (currentRatioLL.compareTo(ratioLL) <= 0) {
869            logger.info("Termination due to: minimum ratioLL threshold reached");
870        }
872        return condition;
873    }
875    private void addAxiom(OWLOntology ontology, OWLAxiom axiom) throws InconsistencyException, MPIException {
877        OWLOntologyManager manager = ontology.getOWLOntologyManager();
878        manager.addAxiom(ontology, axiom);
879        PelletReasoner pelletReasoner = new PelletReasonerFactory().createNonBufferingReasoner(ontology);
880        if (!pelletReasoner.isConsistent()) {
881            String message = "The axiom will make the KB inconsistent.\n"
882                    + "It will NOT be added";
883            logger.warn(message);
884            manager.removeAxiom(ontology, axiom);
885            throw new InconsistencyException(message);
886        } else {
887            try {
888                MPIUtilities.sendBCastSignal(START, parameterLearnerComm);
889                logger.debug(myRank + " - Sent START signal to slaves");
890                int sentBytes = MPIUtilities.sendBCastObject(axiom, parameterLearnerComm);
891                logger.debug(myRank + " - Sent to slaves OWLAxiom object (" + sentBytes + " bytes)");
892            } catch (MPIException e) {
893                logger.error(myRank + " - Cannot send axiom to EDGE slaves");
894                throw new StructureLearningException(e);
895            }
896        }
897    }
899    private OWLAxiom recvAddAxiom(OWLOntology ontology) {
900        OWLAxiom axiom;
901        try {
902            Object obj = MPIUtilities.recvBCastObject(MASTER, parameterLearnerComm);
903            axiom = (OWLAxiom) obj;
904        } catch (MPIException e) {
905            String msg = myRank + " - Cannot receive axiom to add: " + e.getMessage();
906            logger.error(msg);
907            throw new StructureLearningException(msg);
908        }
909        ontology.getOWLOntologyManager().addAxiom(ontology, axiom);
910        return axiom;
911    }
913    private void removeAxiom(OWLOntology ontology, OWLAxiom axiom) {
914        OWLOntologyManager manager = ontology.getOWLOntologyManager();
915        manager.removeAxiom(ontology, axiom);
916    }
918    /**
919     * @return the edge
920     */
921    public AbstractEDGEDistributed getEdge() {
922        return edge;
923    }
925    /**
926     * @param edge the edge to set
927     */
928    @Autowired
929    public void setEdge(AbstractEDGEDistributed edge) {
930        this.edge = edge;
931    }
933    private void updateOntology() {
934        logger.debug("Updating ontology");
935        OWLOntology ontology = edge.getLearnedOntology();
936        edge.changeSourcesOntology(ontology);
937        logger.debug("Ontology Updated");
938    }
940    private OWLOntology generateOntologyFromRevision(OWLOntology ontology, Revision revision) {
941        try {
942            OWLOntology revisionedOntology = BundleUtilities.copyOntology(ontology);
943            Set<OWLSubClassOfAxiom> learnedAxioms = revision.getLearnedAxioms();
944            OWLOntologyManager manager = revisionedOntology.getOWLOntologyManager();
945            manager.addAxioms(revisionedOntology, revision.getLearnedAxioms());
946            int i = 0;
947            for (OWLAxiom axiom : revision.getTargetAxioms()) {
948                if (!revision.getBoolVars().get(i)) {
949                    manager.removeAxiom(revisionedOntology, axiom);
950                }
951            }
952            return revisionedOntology;
953        } catch (OWLOntologyCreationException e) {
954            logger.error("Cannot refine ontology");
955            throw new StructureLearningException(e);
956        }
957    }
959    private void printTimings(long totalTimeMills, long celaTimeMills, Map<String, Long> timeMap) {
960        logger.info("Main: " + totalTimeMills + " ms");
961        logger.info("CELOE: " + celaTimeMills + " ms");
962        logger.info("EDGE: " + (timeMap.get("EM") + timeMap.get("Bundle")) + " ms");
963        logger.info("\tBundle: " + timeMap.get("Bundle") + " ms");
964        logger.info("\tEM: " + timeMap.get("EM") + " ms");
965        long timeOther = totalTimeMills - celaTimeMills - (timeMap.get("EM") + timeMap.get("Bundle"));
966        logger.info("Other: " + timeOther + " ms");
967        logger.info("Program client: execution successfully terminated");
968    }
970    private void updateTerminationCriteria() {
971        currentIteration++;
972        currentDifferenceLL = bestRevision.getLL().subtract(previousBestRevision.getLL());
973        currentRatioLL = currentDifferenceLL.divide(previousBestRevision.getLL(), accuracy, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
974    }
976    private OWLOntology replaceSuperClass(OWLOntology finalOntology, Set<OWLSubClassOfAxiom> learnedAxioms) {
977        logger.debug(myRank + " - Replacing super class \"dummyClass\" with \"classToDescribe\"");
978        ClassLearningProblem clp = (ClassLearningProblem) cela.getLearningProblem();
979        //Set<OWLSubClassOfAxiom> learnedAxioms = bestRevision.getLearnedAxioms();
980        OWLOntologyManager man = finalOntology.getOWLOntologyManager();
981        OWLDataFactory df = man.getOWLDataFactory();
982        int numInitialAxioms = finalOntology.getAxiomCount();
983        // remove the learned Axioms
984        //man.removeAxiom(finalOntology, learnedAxioms.iterator().next());
985        Set<OWLSubClassOfAxiom> learnedAxiomsCopy = new LinkedHashSet<>(learnedAxioms);
986        for (OWLAxiom axiom : finalOntology.getAxioms(AxiomType.SUBCLASS_OF)) {
987            for (OWLAxiom axiomToRemove : learnedAxiomsCopy) {
988                // conviene usare una copia di probAddedAxioms 
989                //in maniera tale da eliminare gli assiomi gi� trovati durante la ricerca e 
990                //quindi ridurre il numero di check
991                //logger.debug("Learned axiom to remove: " + BundleUtilities.getManchesterSyntaxString(axiomToRemove));
992                if (axiomToRemove.equalsIgnoreAnnotations(axiom)) {
993                    man.removeAxiom(finalOntology, axiom);
994                    learnedAxiomsCopy.remove(axiomToRemove);
995                    break;
996                }
997            }
998        }
999        int numAxiomsAfterRemove = finalOntology.getAxiomCount();
1000        // check if correctly removed
1001        if (numAxiomsAfterRemove != numInitialAxioms - learnedAxioms.size()) {
1002            String msg = myRank + " - Error during the replacement of super class: "
1003                    + "Axiom remotion was incorrect. "
1004                    + "numAxiomsAfterRemove: " + numAxiomsAfterRemove
1005                    + " numInitialAxioms: " + numInitialAxioms
1006                    + " numAxioms to remove: " + learnedAxioms.size()
1007                    + " numAxioms removed: " + (numInitialAxioms - numAxiomsAfterRemove);
1008            logger.error(msg);
1009            throw new StructureLearningException(msg);
1010        }
1011        LinkedHashSet<OWLSubClassOfAxiom> newAxioms = new LinkedHashSet<>();
1012        for (OWLSubClassOfAxiom axiom : learnedAxioms) {
1013            OWLSubClassOfAxiom newAxiom = df.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom(axiom.getSubClass(),
1014                    clp.getClassToDescribe(), axiom.getAnnotations());
1015            newAxioms.add(newAxiom);
1016            logger.info(myRank + " - Learned Axiom: " + newAxiom);
1017        }
1018        man.addAxioms(finalOntology, newAxioms);
1019        // check if correctly added
1020        if (finalOntology.getAxiomCount() != numAxiomsAfterRemove + learnedAxioms.size()) {
1021            String msg = myRank + " - Error during the replacement of super class: "
1022                    + "Axiom addition was incorrect."
1023                    + " numAxiomsAfterRemove: " + numAxiomsAfterRemove
1024                    + " numAxioms to add: " + learnedAxioms.size()
1025                    + " numAxioms added: " + (finalOntology.getAxiomCount() - numAxiomsAfterRemove);;
1026            logger.error(msg);
1027            throw new StructureLearningException(msg);
1028        }
1029        logger.debug(myRank + " - Replaced all the super classes");
1030        return finalOntology;
1031    }
1033    public String getName() {
1034        return "LEAPDistributed";
1035    }